Belisama's Shadows



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My Story

I am a double Aries (Sun and Moon) with Aquarius rising. I was born in Los Angeles, California. I moved with my parents and older sister to Sacramento when I was four years old. My parents bought acreage and we raised sheep, chickens, a steer, and rabbits. We kept about one half acre in garden.

I grew up in 4-H. I became an accomplished seamstress and cook, winning many county and state-wide awards. I grew quite attached to all of the animals we kept, which is why I am a vegetarian. I was raised mainly as a Catholic, with Lutheran, Mormon, Baptist, and Jewish influences. I was an avid reader of Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Norse mythologies.

When I was fearful at night, the Goddess Hecate came and spread Her cloak of stars over me for protection. The Virgin Mary walked to school with me, and Cerridwen sang with me at the Full Moon. I also called upon Apollo, the Archangel Michael, and Herne in times of need.

I am a Witch, but I am not Wiccan. I am part of an eclectic-hereditary based group which is said to have broken away from what is now known as Wicca in "the yeare of the great fyre", sometime in the 11th century CE, due to a family disagreement. Whether that is fact or not, I do not know.

I first met my teacher in early 1971, while I was a runaway in the Bay Area of California. She was a distant cousin. We were related to each other on both our mother's and father's sides of the family. I thought it was a chance meeting, but I have come to realize that there are no chance meetings in life. Everything has a reason.


Manannan, Belisama and Fionn MacCumhail, Litha 2001

I was dedicated to the Goddess and the God in 1971. I was Initiated into the Tradition in early 1972 in the Bay Area. I practiced with the group until it was necessary for me to return to Sacramento with my beautiful new baby.

Several months after I returned home, my teacher showed up on my front door step. She had just received a job transfer to Sacramento. I was able to receive another two years of training.

In 1975, I began to have a number of personal problems. I lost touch with my teacher and her working partner during the year, and with the entire Circle from the Bay Area. I moved, and had a lot of changes happen in my life. I became caught in a very abusive relationship with the father of my child.

I never forgot about my training, but I felt the need to put it aside for a few years. I left the abusive relationship in 1980. I returned to school and received my A.S. in Math and Science, and my B.A. in Environmental Studies and Biology. I met Manannan in the latter part of 1983.

In 1984, the call of the Old Ways became too strong for me to ignore anymore. I began to read books on the subject and to actively practice again. I was blessed to have support from Manannan in my beliefs.

In 1988, I began to actively look for others of my kind. I talked to many people, but I never came across anyone who was of my Tradition. However, I found numerous Wiccan and other groups who were amenable, several with whom I practiced. I searched diligently, but found no others of my own kind.

My daughter graduated from high school in 1990. She left home to marry in 1991. She blessed me with a beautiful granddaughter in early 1992. I became a grandmother at the same age as my mother was when she gave birth to me. She blessed me with a grandson in 1994; I was the same age that my father was when I was born.

I received formal training as a therapist at this time, and received several non-accredited advanced degrees, as well as numerous certifications in the metaphysical arts. I practiced as a direct intuitive at several local bookstores. I opened an institute for psychic development.

In 1994, I chanced to meet my teacher in Trader Joe's. It seems that she was living right around the corner from me, and had been keeping an eye on me for years. When she felt that I was ready to return, she made her presence known. I finished my training, became an Elder, and then I began to train Manannan as my working partner.

Manannan was Dedicated to the Goddess and the God in early 1996 and Initiated into the Tradition in late 1996. We founded our Circle at Imbolac of 1997. I almost died of liver failure during the summer of 1997, but with the help of a lot of friends, I pulled through.

My daughter Etain and her children returned home in August of 1997. She and the children became very active within the Circle. Etain learned how to paint Altar cloths in early 1998. Her work is now sought far and wide.

Etain met Grannos in early 1999. We all felt an immediate connection to him. He has become a son to Manannan and me. Etain and Grannos are expecting a baby, due in April of 2002.

I am very blessed to have a large family, a wonderful Circle, many close friends, and my nine beautiful cats named Padriak, Quasar, Zephyrus, Taliesin, Fionn Mac Cumhail, Thunar, Dylan, Anubis and Selene.

I founded my first web community at Beltane of 2000. It is a place where people of all Paths and Traditions are welcome to meet and share wisdom. There are almost 500 members there now. I have met some very good friends there, some of whom regularly fly or drive long distances to our Festivals, eight of which we hold per year.

I manage several more web communities, web clubs and e-mail lists at this time. I lead a Pagan children's Circle, a Study Group, a regular Circle, and a couple of advanced groups, plus I lead a group which meets in parks to sing in the Sacramento area.

With my numerous activities, I hope to share some of the wisdom I have found with those who would learn, and bring a spirit of community and connection into the lives of the many people who might otherwise be alone.

My latest grandaughter was born as a breech baby on April 16, 2002. She has the eyes of my teacher, who passed into the Summerland in 1999.

Manannan and Belisama, Beltane 2002

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